What if I am not satisfied with my complaint response?
If you are not satisfied with the complaint response from us, we ask that in the first instance you contact the Patient advocacy team. However, should you require further assistance, the following bodies may assist:
For complaints in England and Wales contact:
Health Service Ombudsman
phone: 0345 015 4033
website: www.ombudsman.org.uk/making-complaint
For complaints in Scotland contact:
Care Inspectorate
Compass House
11 Riverside Drive
Dundee DD1 4NY
phone: 01382 207 100 or 0345 600 9527
email: enquires@careinspectorate.com
For complaints in Northern Ireland contact:
The Regulation & Quality Improvement Authority
9th Floor Riverside Tower
5 Lanyon Place
Belfast BT1 3BT
phone: 02890 517 500
email: info@rqia.org.uk