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Sciensus contributes to new diversity, equity, and inclusion research paper

A report into the benefits of a diverse and welcoming workplace has recently been published with input from Sciensus. Produced by EY, it encourages an all-inclusive culture to be put at the forefront of future initiatives surrounding measurement, recruitment, retention, and progression. The report on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) helps solidify our commitment to developing and engaging a diverse workforce in order to deliver the best possible health outcomes for patients.

For over 30 years, Sciensus has been at the forefront of patient-focussed care throughout Europe. At the heart of our success has been creating a welcoming and diverse workplace in which everyone can feel a sense of belonging. In a recent report, published by EY with input from Sciensus, called DE&I interventions that deliver: What works across multiple characteristics, it was revealed that strategic DE&I interventions can create measurable impact and foster a culture of belonging for all employees.

Main points of the report

The report highlighted the importance of encouraging leaders to assess their organisational culture and understand the lived experience of their teams. By doing so, businesses can reflect the communities within which they work.

Another key aspect of the report offered ways in which organisations can focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives within all business areas. This includes taking a data-driven approach to DE&I, including comprehensive data collection, analysis, and target setting. Recruitment efforts should include targeted strategies to attract diverse candidates while providing necessary support to ensure a fair and accurate assessment of their competencies and suitability for a role. Retention strategies should focus on offering flexibility in how and when roles are performed. And finally, development programmes should be implemented to mentor and sponsor individuals, helping to bridge gaps in access to career progression opportunities.

Until now, there has been limited evidence on effective ways to drive change that benefits diverse groups across various demographics. To address this, the report took an evidence-based approach to bridge these gaps, providing businesses of all sizes and sectors with a clear starting point. Specifically, it examined DE&I interventions that have proven effective across multiple characteristics, including gender, race and ethnicity, disability, LGBTQ+ identity, and socioeconomic background.

Collaboration between Sciensus and EY

The report, DE&I interventions that deliver: What works across multiple characteristics, was launched at the start of 2025 at the House of Commons. The event was attended by Jackie Reeves (Sciensus, Human Resources (HR) Director) and Rebecca Clarke (Sciensus, Head of HR) alongside representatives from across the UK business community, many of whom also contributed to the report. It was an opportunity for parliamentarians and other external stakeholders to hear more about the report published by EY, who previously helped Sciensus achieve National Equality Standard (NES).

For Sciensus, our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion is ingrained into our everyday lives. Our Environmental, Social and Governance strategy aims to make a positive impact on the lives of our colleagues, the health of over 240,000 patients and the wellbeing of our planet. Click here to find out more about our work to create a diverse and welcoming workplace which benefits everyone.


About Sciensus

Sciensus is a leading European life sciences organisation with over 30 years of experience. We’re redefining patient-centric care, connecting patients with life-changing medicines while empowering pharmaceutical companies and healthcare professionals with the insights needed to improve people’s lives.