Cancer companion app

Cancer doesn’t have to control your life.

Dealing with cancer can be incredibly challenging, and on tough days, it can all feel too much. Our Cancer Companion app is here to support you every step of the way.

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Endorsed by the NHS

Cancer Companion from Sciensus is a free, simple app that supports all aspects of your health and care. We created it to help you take charge of your physical and mental well-being while you’re having cancer treatment. The app is endorsed by the NHS as a way to share information with your doctor and other clinicians. It also contains resources tailored to your condition – all conveniently at your fingertips. The all-in-one Companion app puts you back in control. You can track your appointments, record your symptoms, monitor your medications, find helpful information, and take ownership of your care journey and life .

Symptom overview in the Sciensus Cancer Companion app

Effortlessly track your symptoms, side effects, and well-being

Tracking your symptoms allows you to assess and monitor your progress over time. This gives you valuable insights that you can share with your medical team during appointments.

If you use a wearable supported by Google Health or Apple Health, you can connect the app to it and keep tabs on your sleep patterns, exercise routines, and emotional well-being.

cancer treatment at home

Set repeat medication reminders

Cancer treatment schedules can be complicated to manage. The Companion app gives you an easy way to keep an eye on when you need to take medications. You can also set reminders, so you never have to worry about missing a dose.

Look at articles on the Sciensus Cancer Companion app

Find the right information, whenever and wherever you need it

If you’ve been reading about your condition online, you’ve probably found a mountain of irrelevant or inconsistent material. Our app contains straightforward information delivered in bite-sized pieces, personalised to your condition, lifestyle, treatments, and responsibilities. Use the app to stay informed about matters important to you, find out more about your health and care, and keep control over what lies ahead.

Look at Schedule, add medicine, symptoms and track on the Sciensus Cancer Companion app

Take an active role in your care journey

Within the Cancer Companion app, you can look back on everything you’ve chosen to record. The Reports section allows you to view and understand your progress over time, including simple graphs and tables showing your medication, symptoms, mood, weight, temperature, and activities. If you want, you can share these reports with your doctors, caregivers, or loved ones.

Download the Cancer Companion app

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